The Casual Capitalist
Financial Independence, Casually

CoastFIRE is when you front load your retirement savings until you hit a certain number and then take the pedal off the gas and stop saving altogether.
Once you reach CoastFIRE you can start to spend 100% of your current paycheck, reduce your working hours, or both.
Depending on your age, you might be able to do this with 500k or less.
The 4 Percent Rule is one of the most highly debated and widely discussed retirement planning strategies.
The 4% rule assumes that with a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds, you can expect to earn a long-term average return of about 7% on your investments. This means that you can withdraw 4% and have 3% leftover to cover inflation.
ExpatFIRE is when you move from a HCOL country to a country with a lower cost of living with the goal of retiring early. One of the biggest benefits of ExpatFIRE is that it can help you achieve your financial goals faster.
While you probably need at least $1,000,000 for FIRE in the US, you can do it on half of that in many countries around the world.

Financial Independence, Casually
At The Casual Capitalist, we want to have our cake and eat it too. Or more accurately, have our money and spend it too.
Financial Independence is meant to improve your life and if you have to live like a hermit and eat boiled hot dogs every day for 20 years to achieve it, is it really worth it?
We beleive that there’s a simpler way and that it’s made possible by increasing your earning potential, common sense budgeting and passive investing.