Reverse 4% Rule for Retirement
Reverse 4% Rule for RetirementIf the 4% Rule Means saving up a chunk of money, withdrawing 4% a year and then sailing off into the sunset, what does the reverse 4% Rule Mean? It's basically just the inverse of the 4% Rule and is somtimes called the 25x Rule for...
Long Term Capital Gains Tax and the 4% Rule
Long Term Capital Gains Tax and Financial Independence Retire EarlyYou might be thinking that since you finally made it to Financial Independence and are living on the 4% Rule that your tax paying days are over. Unfortunately, the bad news is, is that you still need...
25x Rule for Retirement – How Much Do You Need?
25x Rule for Retirement - How Much Do You Need?Do you ever find yourself at work scrolling through FIRE Subreddits dreaming of the day you can hand in your two week notice and give your boss the proverbial finger? If so then you might want to consider the 25x Rule...
Living On the Four Percent Rule
What's it Really Like Living on The Four Percent Rule?I've been living on the four percent rule for the past year and in this article I'm going to talk about how realistic it is, how much you need to save before you can start living off the 4% rule as well as some of...
Coast FIRE with 500k
Coast FIRE with 500kCoastFIRE is basically when you front load your retirement savings until you hit a certain number and then take the pedal off the gas and stop saving altogether. Once you reach CoastFIRE then you can start to spend 100% of your current paycheck,...
13 Inspiring Financial Independence Retire Early Books
Do you day dream about F.I.R.E.? Here’s a list of the 13 Best Financial Independence Retire Early Books to make your dream a reality.
Best Expat FIRE Countries to Retire Early
In this article, we’ll explore the top countries for Expat FIRE based on five key criteria: cost of living, health care, safety, fun, and long-term visa options.
LeanFIRE | Fastest Way to FIRE?
Do you scroll endlessly through FIRE Subreddits and can’t wait to quit your job? If so, Lean FIRE might be for you. LeanFIRE is when…
Barista FIRE | Retire Early by Working Part-Time
Remember that cool substitute teacher who drove a convertible and seemed to have a carefree life? Meet the first incarnation of Barista FIRE.
Coast FIRE Calculator – When Can you Stop Saving?
What if you could spend every dollar that you made as soon as you got your paycheck without having to worry about the future. Meet Coast FIRE.
ExpatFIRE | How to Retire Abroad
One of the biggest benefits of ExpatFIRE is that moving to a low cost of living country can help you achieve your financial goals faster.
How Financial Minimalism Saves You Money
Read on to find out how Financial Minimalism can reduce stress, save time and most importantly, save money!
How to Achieve Financial Freedom Fast
Achieve Financial Freedom Fast by following these steps. Step one is to understand your current financial situation.
Does Financial Freedom Mean Rich?
Is Financial Freedom the same as being rich? FI is a term that is often thrown around in financial circles but what does it actually mean?
Is Financial Freedom Legit or a Scam?
Financial freedom has gained a lot of popularity recently, with millennials and FIRE. But is Financial Freedom Legit or a scam?
How to Become Financially Independent
Financial independence is usually defined as having enough wealth to support your lifestyle without having to work. Sounds great, right? But how can you become financially independent?
Why is Financial Freedom Important?
Financial Freedom is important because it gives us the power to take control of our lives, make our own decisions and live life on our own terms.
5 Levels of Financial Freedom
The 5 Levels of Financial Freedom are to Get out of Debt, Build an Emergency Fund, Start Investing, Buy Back Your Time and Wealth Accumulation.
6 Types of FIRE
The 6 Types of FIRE: Coast Fire, Lean FIRE, Barista FIRE, Chubby FIRE, Fat FIRE and Expat FIRE. Which Type of FIRE are you?
Best Financial Freedom Quotes
Financial Freedom Quotes can be a great way to stay motivated. Here are some of the best quotes from Warren Buffett, Tim Ferriss and more!
4 Percent Rule Calculator | How Long Will Your Money Last
Use Our Free 4% Rule Calculator to see if you have enough money to retire and how long it will last.